To forget one's ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without a root.
About Our Retreats
Deep Time Liberation delves into the exploration of how our ancestral legacy and historical beliefs influence our present lives. Once we understand the need for committing to our individual and collective healing, the pathway to healing appears. We can then recognize and acknowledge the experiences and history clouding our perceptions causing us to continually cause harm to ourselves and others because of our reactions. Identifying the genesis of our suffering comes in part from the intergenerational and vicarious traumas known or unknown, past or present. The attachments, the delusion and the aversion that we’ve experienced blocks the portal to healing and the way out is through the recognition and honoring of our historical harm. Deep Time Liberation will engage you in rituals, story-telling, drumming and discovery through the lens of Insight Meditation practices.
"Deep Time Liberation is how we experience the influence of our historical past and the possibilities of our potential future in the present. The insights that arise have the power to heal the generational and collective trauma of Black people from the African Diaspora." Devin Berry
Embracing The Power of Ancient Wisdoms

Reflections of Light; A quiet moment sitting in a slave cabin.

A ceremonial offering.

The path from the Big House.
Whitney Plantation Museum - Wallace, Louisiana

Chains No More

A prayer to Spirit

Musical Meditation
Drumming for the Ancestors
Walking in The Footprints of The Ancestors

Ancestor's Breath
Deep Time Liberation Experience
Deep Time Liberation retreats came into existence as a response to a call from the ancestors. The seed vision for these retreats arising from the mind and experience of a native sone of the south a few generations removed. In these retreats we explore the intersections between ancestral trauma and collective and individual healing. Our journeys include creating and engaging in ritual and ceremony, drumming, storytelling, meditation, education and trauma resolution work as well as taking a deep dive into historical lineages and family behavioral patterns. This results in opening doorways for present day healing and for creating and cultivating community and collective well being around the re-interpretation of our story, our resilience and our joy.

Participant - DTL 2023
The facilitators and staff were very skilled, sensitive to what was going on in the room. I felt nurtured, safe, which encouraged me. The FLOW was seamless. A great blend of humor ... good medicine.
Ayliyah Rowe - DTL 2018
I am deeply grateful for having the opportunity to be part of the first iteration of the DTL vision. There is NO retreat that I know of that comes close to the experience a DTL retreat can offer.... the authenticity, the safeness of the space that held us, and the honesty that was presented in the 5 days we were together meant so much to me.
Asa Salley - DTL 2018
The Deep Time Liberation Retreat had such a profound impact on me that I have brought meditation into both my classes. Now I have a daily practice with my students. We begin each day without fail with a 5-6 minute guided meditation.
Dwight Dunston - DTL 2021
I have never experienced the marrying of Ancestral and deep Spiritual exploration. I'm now in more communication with past generations. When I reflect I get emotional about the whole experience being so liberating, human and divine.
Heku Sa Shekhem - DTL 2021
DTL online differentiates from other online retreats in that it was more personal and relatable to me and has shown me the value in appreciating the Ancestors. I gleaned that from being in DTL. I can now call on them, recognize them and honor Ancestors from outside of meditation.
Participant - DTL 2022
A deep sense and acknowledgment of our resilience as a people. We are not cursed by what we bear from our ancestors; we are blessed to see what we carry and how we work with it.
Shanequa Smith - DTL 2021
When I got the package to build the altar, it hurt that I had no idea what the items were or the significance of it. But intuitively, I knew they were things that I needed to learn and to have on my altar. The DTL retreat made me view myself as an ancestor and ask myself 'what will I do when my descendants call for me?
Participant - DTL 2022
What makes us our ancestor's wildest dream is that we have found the channels in which we can dream and manifest beyond anything ever conceived before. Thank you all for making this retreat available and for the opportunity to participate in such a community journey.
Wayne Myers-Taylor - DTL 2021
It was very interesting to look deeper into my family tree and actually see what they had been through. Before the retreat, I would have only seen the bad side--only the trauma of my family's past and not the fruits of my history.